Finally I found the time to paint for myself! Sure, I have painted a few last minute pieces for my apartment before, but I finally spent some time to create a Kelsi Brown original of my own! I had this HUGE 36" x 48" canvas that my mom had purchased for me months ago. It had been sitting against my wall blank and lonely until I finally found inspiration for a painting!
Most of you know that I am obsessed with shoes, especially Jeffrey Campbell's. Inspired by my new Christmas shoes and a JC ad I saw earlier in December, I quickly started my new creation for my poor little blank wall in my living room!
Most of you know that I am obsessed with shoes, especially Jeffrey Campbell's. Inspired by my new Christmas shoes and a JC ad I saw earlier in December, I quickly started my new creation for my poor little blank wall in my living room!
36" x 48" canvas - Acrylic